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Prep for Oktoberfest with our checklist

Oktoberfest began with a royal wedding in Munich, Germany, more than 200 years ago. The tradition has since become one of the largest festivals celebrated around the world, embraced by beer crafters and connoisseurs alike. If you’re planning on hosting an Oktoberfest festival, start your planning early. This checklist will help you to make sure your Oktoberfest celebration is one that your guests won't soon forget.


  • Closely monitor your festival attendance to accurately estimate beer consumption
  • Consider selling a finite number of tickets, or limit the number of pours
  • Determine the ounce size of your samples to better gauge quantities needed
  • Over-plan and over-prepare to ensure the right amount of beer is on hand
  • Work closely on the delivery schedule and identify the brews needed for the event 


  • Be prepared, stock up and have extra supplies available for a smoothly-run event
  • Deliver a memorable experience–don’t let your guests forget who hosted the festival
  • Offer a variety of tankards and boots for your guests to "Prost!" in style
  • Display your branded merchandise: drinkware, pennants, wristbands and more
  • Schedule your staff early, consider adding temporary workers and plan for a crowd


  • Expand the scope of your festival, make it unique and entertain your guests
  • A memorable Oktoberfest needs more than just beer to stand out
  • Offer traditional German food, music and a variety of arts and crafts vendors
  • Do your research, identify your vendors and book them early to secure their time


  • Have a contingency plan in place for unexpected bad weather
  • Be ready to move the party indoors at a moment’s notice
  • Rent an adequate number of tents to shield your guests from the rain
  • Strategically place umbrellas to provide relief from a hot sun
  • Know your crowd and accommodate for those that prefer the indoors
  • Secure tables and tabletop settings from sudden gusts of wind 


  • Be aware of all insurance considerations specific to festival events
  • Read the fine print regarding any and all property rental agreements
  • Prepare for the occasional accident and know your medical insurance liabilities
  • Brush up on the details of property insurance and damage to personal items


  • The best festival is nothing without an eager crowd of energetic attendees
  • Create a marketing schedule and spread the word about your event
  • Send out your invites early and lock in your guests before they make other plans
  • Align with mobile technology, leverage social media and extend your reach
  • Plan ahead and follow through on your initiatives for the best results


Oktoberfest checklist preview

Download this checklist here: 

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