This project turned out to be a total game changer for Lambeau Field and stadium going fans of the Green Bay Packers. The new foodservice offering includes six upscale concession stands in an open-concept environment. Boelter's talented Brett Kroening served as a project manager and equipment dealer for the extensive project. Since the renovation, throughput and revenue have increased 70% - which is better for both patrons who want to back to the game and the stadium's bottom line.
As said by FE&S:
"Housed on the fourth level and serving premium ticket holders in suites and club seats, Melotte Marketplace complements the grab-and-go stands at Lambeau Field. Both were part of Lambeau Field’s multiyear concourse renovation project. “While marketplace concepts have been created in the past, no one has done them on the scale that we’ve done here and certainly not at any NFL stadium,” says Charlie Millerwise, director of development and hospitality for the Green Bay Packers. “The marketplace was a major undertaking considering we took the entire club level plus six other stadium locations and made them all self-checkout.
“The marketplace is a stark contrast to the prerenovated foodservice consisting of one large concession stand,” says Millerwise. “We flipped that around. Fans come in here and shop and have a much wider array of food options than ever before. Wait times decreased considerably.”
The remodeled concession area features a showcase kitchen with various stations, including a noodle bar, a dessert and gelato bar, and a hot drink venue. Customers can also grab a packaged beverage from self-serve coolers."
Read more about the new Melotte Marketplace at Lambeau Field

Ready to speak with Brett or one of our industry experts about your foodservice facility? Get in touch today.