It’s no secret that restaurant portion sizes are out of control. A recent study conducted by the Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University found that a whopping 92 percent of chain and non-chain restaurants served portions that were too large.
At the same time, nation-wide campaigns have made diners leery to choose restaurants with massive portions. For example, a New York City subway campaign put up posters with the tagline “Cut Your Portions. Cut Your Risk.” Other campaigns link large restaurant portions with the increased risk for diabetes.
With these ideas in mind, you should absolutely pay attention to portion control. But like most things, portion control tools aren’t created equal. Vollrath’s Jacob’s Pride® portion control is more effective at proper portioning. While Jacob’s Pride might be more expensive than alternatives, these higher-quality tools are more precise and consistent, which, in turn, saves you money. After all, specific food ratios are important to the taste and consistency of your restaurant’s meals.
Jacob’s Pride Collection
Jacob Vollrath started selling enamel-cast iron utensils way back in 1884. That spirit of manufacturing high-quality kitchen tools has been ingrained in the company's mission.
Vollrath is particularly interested in solving the problem of portion control because it is such a financial and environmental drain. Specifically, the commercial and retail industries lose around $30 to $40 billion each year due to food waste. Not only is this waste financially inefficient, but it also contributes to the United States' loss of almost 50 percent of the food it produces.
Vollrath thinks we can do better, which is why they designed the Jacob’s Pride collection of dishers, ladles, and utensils.
Portion Control Tools
Here are just a few highlights of the Jacob’s Pride portion control tools:
Dishers w/One-Piece Color-Coded Handles. These dishwasher-safe dishers come with different colored handles so there’s no guesswork about which size scoop is which. The high-quality construction also ensures that the stainless-steel bowl won’t corrode, and the disher won’t fall apart.
Heavy-Duty Color Coded Spoodle® Utensil. Another problem with food waste can arise if you’re not using every bit of food prepared. The Spoodle’s oval designs helps you get the last of the food from the corners of your pans. Its stopper notch also ensures that it won’t slide into any pans.
Interested in learning more about portion control or Vollrath products? Reach out to a Boelter Representative for more information.